Lord Byron
You’d never figure that a guy from northern Ontario, from Espanola–where there isn’t an oyster to be found anywhere–would become an internationally recognized expert on that most succulent of shellfish. But that’s what restauranteur and art gallery-owner John Petcoff has …
About the River, 2011 Oil and spray paint on canvas with artist's frame, 72 x 48 inches, 182.9 x 121.9 cm
When a relatively unknown, soft-spoken, 26 year old artist with the lyrical name of Thrush Holmes (his full name …
“We live our lives in the middle of things. Material culture carries emotions and ideas of startling intensity. Yet only recently have objects begun to receive the attention they
-Sherry Turkle, Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (MIT Press, …
Henry James…