Queen West Coffee – Rsquared
We used to enjoy having an early morning coffee at Quaff at 668 Queen Street West, but now we enjoy it even more at Rsquared–which, though it is at the same location, has been extensively redesigned and culinarily reorganized by its new owners, Reza Yazdjerdl and his business partner, Reza Shiekh. They refurbished the old Quaff almost entirely by themselves–and according to Yazdjerdl, took a serious, searching look at the coffees, teas and foods they wanted to serve in Rsquared (so called because the names of both owners begin with R). “It just wasn’t good enough,” Yazdjerdl told us. But it is now. We asked him if he thought customers were really discerning enough to notice subtle improvements in the quality of their new crop of coffees and teas. He assured me they could and did. And, yes, tasting is believing. 647-344-8558. info@rsquaredcafe.com. https://www.facebook.com/rsquaredcafe.